Contenido principal del artículo

jul 11, 2022
Palabras clave:
Food defense, competition, Astylus rubricostatus, Melyridae, Gaillardia megapotamica, Asteraceae


Adults of Astylus rubricostatus deferid inflorescences of the herb Gaillardia megapotamica var radiata
(Griseb) Baker against intrusión by conspecific individuáis. It is probable that the behaviour is a result from
competition among individuáis of both sexes for the amount of polen contained by flowers of G. megapotamica, which seems to be the limiting resource.

Claudio Alejandro Sosa
Mireya Manfrini de Brewer
Cómo citar
Sosa, C. A., & Manfrini de Brewer, M. (2022). DEFENSA DEL RECURSO ALIMENTICIO POR ASTYLUS RUBRICOSTATUS GERMAR, 1824 (INSECTA: COLEOPTERA: MELYRIDAE). Acta Entomológica Chilena, 22, 13–17. Recuperado a partir de


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