Contenido principal del artículo

jul 12, 2022
Palabras clave:
Life cycle, Callisphyris macropus, Cerambyddae, ovipositional behaviour, larval behaviour


The seasonal cycle of Callisphyris macropus Newman (Coleóptera: Cerambyddae), under field conditions is described in this árdele. Samples were obtained from commercial plots of gooseberry, blaek currant
and red currant in the IX and X Región, Chile. In currant, C macropus presents a biennial cycle. Ethological
aspeets of oviposidon and larval behaviour in Ribes nigrum are indicated.

R. Carrillo
M. Neira
C. Cifuentes
N. Mundaca
Cómo citar
Carrillo, R., Neira, M., Cifuentes, C., & Mundaca, N. (2022). ASPECTOS BIOLÓGICOS Y ETOLÓGICOS DE CALLISPHYRIS MACROPUS NEWMAN (COLEOPTERA: CERAMBYCIDAE) EN ZARZAPARRILLA (RIBES NIGRUM Y RIBES RUBRUM). Acta Entomológica Chilena, 20, 111–114. Recuperado a partir de


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