Contenido principal del artículo

jul 18, 2022
Palabras clave:
Athericidae, Dasyomma, Díptera, mature stages, taxonomy


The revisión of Dasyomma Macquart, 1840 from the Neotropical Región is performed. Dasyomma
(Dasyomma) coeruleum Macquart, D. (D.) croceicornis (Bigot), D. (D.). trivittatum Malloch, D. (D.)
poecilogaster (Philippi), D. (D.) vittatum Malloch, D. (Dasyommina) atratulum Malloch, D.
(Dasyommina) humerale Malloch, D. ( Trichopalpomya) basale Malloch, D. (T.) atribasis Malloch,
D. (T.) immaculatum Malloch, D. (71) cinerascens (Philippi), D. (71) univittatum Malloch are
redescribed. The following new species D. (D.) wirthi, D. (D.) gonzalezi, D. (71) trianguliferous, D.
(71) malleco and D. (71). chapelco are described, and Dasyomma coeruleum var impressifrons Malloch
[= D. coeruleum (Macquart) new syn.] and Dasyomma (D.) atritarsis Malloch [= D. (71) basale
(Malloch) new syn.] are synonymized. A genus diagnosis, a key for the species and the geographical
distribution are included.

Sixto Coscaron
María Del Carmen Coscaron
Cómo citar
Coscaron, S., & Coscaron, M. D. C. (2022). ATHERICIDOS NEOTROPICALES. II. REVISION DEL GENERO DASYOMMA MACQUART 1840 (DIPTERA: ATHERICIDAE). Acta Entomológica Chilena, 19, 75–98. Recuperado a partir de


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