Contenido principal del artículo

ago 17, 2022
Palabras clave:
Chile, Taxonomía, Lepidoptera, Papilionidae, Battus archidamas, Genitalia


The only known species of Papilionidae from Chile, Battus arcliidamas (Boisduval, 1836), is
redescribed in this paper. Its distribution in the country and genitalia of both sexes is discussed, as
well as its sexual dimorphism, biology and development, host plant (Aristolochia), synonymy, etc.
An exhaustive discussion of the published lilerature is also presenled. The ñame Papilio psittaciis
Molina 1782, can nol at all be applied to this species, and the Molina ñame ought to be invalidated
and declared unrecognizable, since there not exist type (s) of the Molina species and the original
description does not permit lo recognize the species.

José Herrera
Juan Atria
Cómo citar
Herrera, J., & Atria, J. (2022). LA FAMILIA PAPILIONIDAE EN CHILE (LEPIDOPTERA). Acta Entomológica Chilena, 17, 21–35. Recuperado a partir de


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