Contenido principal del artículo
ago 17, 2022
The morphologic and chromatic variations in populations of Eurymetopum eburneocinctum
(Spinola, 1849) (Coleóptera: Clcridae) is discussed in this paper in 789 samples from Chilcan
localities dislribuled bclwcen 31°33’ and 46°16' Latitude South.
The morphologic analysis considered the last abdominal scgmenls and genital characters of 77
males and 58 females; the morphometric evaluation was made on information gathered from 30
males and 30 females, considering head width, pronotum width, humeral width, length of pronotum
and length of clitra, bcsides total length of individuáis. The statistical trcatmenl included variance
analysis and discriminan! analysis.
Chromatic variations werc performcd through 44 differenl characters in the total samplc, trying
lo evalúate color frequency and estimaling similarity among populations.
Four new subspecies are described, i.e., E.e. eburneocinctum, E.e. quinteroensis, E.e.
quereoensis, and E.e. elbatoensis, and a biogeographic interpretation of these variations is further