Contenido principal del artículo

ago 17, 2022
Palabras clave:
Formicidae, Camponotus, marking


To study ihe división of laboui in ants of the genus Caniponotus, a method of individual marking
by pholography was developed following Fresnau and Charpin recommendations. Using these marks
it is possiblc to check and control the activitics of individual ants.

Joaquín Ipinza-Regla
Jorge Martínez
Jaime Solorza
Cómo citar
Ipinza-Regla, J., Martínez, J., & Solorza, J. (2022). MARCAJE DE CAMPONOTUS MOROSUS SMITH , 1858 (HYMENOPTERA : FORMICIDAE ) SEGUN LA TECNICA DE FRESNEAU Y CHARPIN. Acta Entomológica Chilena, 17, 237–239. Recuperado a partir de


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