Contenido principal del artículo

nov 16, 2022
Palabras clave:
Taxonomía, Nuevo género, Phyllobaeninae Cleridae, Coleóptera, Chile-Argentina


A new genus is created to receive lwo species segregated from Eurymetopum Blanchard, 1844 and a new
one. A study of the type material of all the laxa included was made. Species are characterized on the basis
of exlernal morphology, coloration and the structure of the male and female genitalia, using seríes of
material representing their entire distributional ranges. Descriptions are accompanied by figures of the
species and their characters of taxonomical valué. A key is provided and geographical distributions are

Jaime Solervicens
Cómo citar
Solervicens, J. (2022). SILVIELLA, NUEVO GENERO DE PHYLLOBAENINAE (COLEOPTERA, CLERIDAE) DE LA PARTE MERIDIONAL DE AMERICA DEL SUR. Acta Entomológica Chilena, 14, 25–39. Recuperado a partir de


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