Contenido principal del artículo

jul 7, 2022
Palabras clave:
Curculionidae, Aterpini, Aegorhinus, new species, geographic distribution, Chile


Two new Aegorhinus species are described: A. maulinus n. sp. and A. bilinealus n.sp. Based on
morphological features the former is associated to A. servillei and the latter to A. albolineatus - A. superciliosus
species group. Adults and some other illustrations of internal and external structures are given as complemenl
for recognition. Geographical distribution of A. delfini (Germain), an endemic component of the Magellanic
forest, is precised.

Mario Elgueta
Cómo citar
Elgueta, M. (2022). DOS ESPECIES NUEVAS DE AEGORHINUS (COLEOPTERA: CURCULIONIDAE: ATERPINI) DE CHILE. Acta Entomológica Chilena, 24, 7–18. Recuperado a partir de


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