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jul 12, 2022
Astylus trifasciatus, life cycle, immature stages, Central Chile.


The study of the Ufe cycle of Astylus trifasciatus Guérin, 1844 was made through laboratory and field
observations. Eggs are laid during spring. Nine larval instars were recognized in laboratory conditions and a
larval period a little more than two years is postulated. Larvae remain quiescent in winter. Pupation occur at
the end of the third summer. Adults remain in the soil in the pupal chamber during autumn and winter and
come to the surface in spring. Egg, mature larvae and pupa are described.

Patricia Estrada M.
Jaime Solervicens A.
Como Citar
Estrada M., P., & Solervicens A., J. (2022). CICLO DE VIDA Y DESCRIPCIÓN DE LOS ESTADOS INMADUROS DE ASTYLUS TRIFASCIATUS GUÉRIN, 1844 (COLEOPTERA: MELYRIDAE). Acta Entomológica Chilena, 21, 81–88. Recuperado de


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