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jul 18, 2022
Palabras clave:
Systematics, Lepidoptera, Cossidae, Acousmaticus, Chile


The genus Acousmaticus Butler, 1882 comprises two species endemic to Central Chile. The genus
and its type species are redescribed, and a new species is described. Acousmaticus, orieinally
described in the Psychidae, is currently placed in the Cossidae (Lepidoptera.’Ditrysia). Its systeinatic
position is discussed, and is tentaiivcly placed in the Hypoptinae (Cossidae) until further evidence
(e.g. female genitalia and inmaturc stages) is available.

Patricia Gentili
Cómo citar
Gentili, P. (2022). REVISION SISTEMATICA DEL GENERO ACOUSMATICUS BUTLER, 1882 (LEPIDOPTERA:COSSIDAE). Acta Entomológica Chilena, 19, 21–29. Recuperado a partir de


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