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ago 17, 2022
Palabras clave:
Cuphocerini, Tachinid flies, Chile, Distribution, Hosts, Key to genera and species, Group characters


Chilean Cuphocerini Tachinid flies (Tachininae) comprises in Ihis revisión 13 genera and 31
species nationally distributed in this country from Arica (Lat. So. 18fi) down to Magallanes (Lat. So
56s) and from the Pacific to the high Andes. Allelomyia is herein described as a new monotypic
genus cióse to Trichophoropsis Townsend, while Dolichostoma nigricaudum (Blanchard), from
Tucumán, Argentina, is for the first time recorded from Northern Chile. Spanipalpus picturatiis and
S. rubidus are described as new species, as well as Vibrissomyia concinnata, Trichophoropsis
bicolor and T. coscaroni. A key to all included genera is also offered plus pardal keys to Chilean
Spanipalpus Town. and Vibrissomyia Town. Group characters of the Tribe are discussed poindng
out some extra limital frequent anomalies in Spanipalpus, Vibrissomyia et. al., which after further
revisión of larger series of examples may eventually reveal unexpected new sinonimies. All the
material referred to in this paper belongs to the Insects Collection of the Instituto de Entomología
(IEUMCE) where it remain deposited together wilh types.

Christian R. González
Cómo citar
González, C. R. (2022). GENEROS CUPHOCERINOS DE TAQUINIDOS CHILENOS. Acta Entomológica Chilena, 17, 53–68. Recuperado a partir de


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