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ago 17, 2022


lielioprosopa finita Reinhard, 1964, is nolhing elsc than an anomalous male of Spanipalpus
anstralis Townsend, 1928, wilhout ocellar bristles, while Eithelioprosopa pactilis Reinhard, 1964, is
again an anomalous male of Chiloepalpns aurens (Aldrich), 1926 & 1934 with ocellar bristles and
discals in the intermedíate segments of the abdomen, this latler condition already mentioned by Dr.
Aldrich (1934) as alypical in the gcnus. Both species come from Central Chile and the types are
depositcd at the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, where they were
cxamincd by the author May 1974.

Raúl Cortés P.
Cómo citar
Cortés P., R. (2022). NUEVAS SINONIMIAS DE TAQUINIDOS CHILENOS. Acta Entomológica Chilena, 17, 235–236. Recuperado a partir de


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