Contenido principal del artículo

nov 11, 2022
Palabras clave:
Neopylus nahuelbutensis, new genus. new species, Pylus, Coleóptera, Cleridae, Enopliinae, Chile, Australian región, sysiemalic position


Neopylus nahuelbutensis, new genus and new species of Enopliinae (Coleopiera, Cleridae) is described
from Southern Chile. The relationships of the genus with Pylus from the Australian región and the
position of both genera in the subfamilv are discussed.

Jaime Solervicens A.
Cómo citar
Solervicens A., J. (2022). NEOPYLUS NAHUELBUTENSIS, NUEVO GENERO Y ESPECIE DE ENOPLIINAE DE CHILE (COLEOPTERA, CLERIDAE). Acta Entomológica Chilena, 15, 233–236. Recuperado a partir de


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