Contenido principal del artículo

ago 17, 2022
Palabras clave:
biogeography, systematics, Theclinae, Eumaeini, Strymon, Chile, Argentina, Patagonia


Genera Eiseliana Ajmat de Toledo 1978 and Heoda Johnson, Miller & Herrera 1992 are revised
to inelude two clades of species reslricled to high Andean and austral distributions in South America.
A Key distinguishes Eiseliana and Heoda from taxa of thc pan-Neotropical Strymon eurytulus
(Hübner) complex, somewhat similar in under surface wing pattern . Eiseliana and Heoda belong to
a large worldwide clade of unrevised Eumaeini including species rich Strymon Hübner and may
eventually be considered subgeneric high montane and austral lineages of Strymon. Formerly
monotopic Eiseliana is expanded to inelude six species with differential occurrence of male
forewing androconia ("brands") and brown or orange upper surface wing coloration but shared under
surface pattern and slructural characters. As such, Eiseliana ineludes the widely distributed,
polymorphic, "Thecla bicolor complex" of Southern South America along with other species
occurring northward to Perú. Type species E. koehleri Ajmat de Toledo is synonymized with Thecla
pnnona Clench 1944 and Eiseliana divided into two subclades: (1) brown species punona (Perú to
Argentina), flavaria Uruta 1956 (Chile) (transferred from Thecla), new species patagoniensis
(Patagonia) (all lacking forewing brands) and new species ollantaitamba (Perú) (with forewing
brands); (2) orange and brown species bicolor Phillipi 1859 (júnior synonym Thecla quadrimaculata
Hewitson 1874; "forms" leptocosma Hayward 1949 and tricolor Ureta 1949) (Chile to Patagonia)
and new species probabila (Coquimbo Deserl and Central Valley biotic provinces, Chile,
distinguished from continuous variation in the bicolor complex). Heoda ineludes type species
heodes Druce 1909 (Perú), wagenknechti Ureta 1947 (Chile) (bolh transferred from Thecla) and new
species colombiana (Colombia), suprema and nivea (both Patagonia). A lectotype is designaled for
Thecla heodes. All Heoda species have inale forewing brands; the genus exhibits a unique
integumental morphology. Biogeographical significance in the geographic distributions of Eiseliana
and Heoda in discussed.

Kurt Johnson
Lee D. Miller
José Herrera G.
Cómo citar
Johnson, K., Miller, L. D., & Herrera G., J. (2022). EISELIANA Y HEODA, GENEROS ALTO ANDINOS Y AUSTRALES DE EUMAEINI NEOTROPICALES (LEPIDOPTERA: LYCAENIDAE). Acta Entomológica Chilena, 17, 107–146. Recuperado a partir de


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