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nov 11, 2022
Palabras clave:
Stuardosatyrus williamsianus, Etchrverrius chiliensis magallanicus, Port Famine - Puerto del Hambre, Estepa Patagónica - Planicies Orientales (BSk’). Bosque ntagallánico deciduous. Comunidades PsammóFuas Litorales, Festuca gracillma, Lepidophylletum cupressiforme


A.C. Buller (1868) described Argyrophorus williamsianus nov., on one specimen collecled by Charles
Darwin at “Port Famine", Strail of Magellan. Most Chilean and European Lepidopterologisls for ihe
past 100 years have noi properlv recognized this species, although E. Creta in this Catalogue (1965)
memions it as present from “Nuble (Termas de Chillán) down lo Pon Famine (Strait of Magellan)''.
J. Herrera (1962) during his visit to the British Museum (Natural History) had the privilege to
examine all the material of this species kept there, and except for the Darwin's examplc coming from
Pon Famine, all the resl were collected from cióse argentinian localities. In his paper J. Herrera
described a new genus, Stuardosatyrus, to hold Butler's species, under which new combination it is now
referred to.
Professor Vicente Pérez D'A, from 1981 on, has collected abnut 30 specimens of both sexes all
coming from “Planicies Orientales" with coid climate steppe (BSk’). in actual Chilean lerritorv.
The female genitalia of S. williamsianus (Butler) is herein described and illuslrated for the First time,
as wcll as the wing venalion and genitalia of cióse allied genera lo which williamsianus has often be
assigned to.
Photographs of S. williamsianus and of the types ol Etchevemus chiliensis magallamrus Herrera, are also

José Herrera G.
Vicente Pérez D’A.
Cómo citar
Herrera G., J., & Pérez D’A., V. (2022). HALLAZGO EN CHILE DE STUARDOSATYRUS WILUAMSIANUS (BUTLER), 1868, Y CONSIDERACIONES SOBRE EL GENERO (LEPIDOPTERA: SATYRIDAE). Acta Entomológica Chilena, 15, 171–195. Recuperado a partir de


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