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Aug 7, 2018
Technological Competencies
Teaching Higher education
Technical Training
Information Technology


The purpose of this research is to measure the level of competence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) by Teachers of the Technical Training Department (DFT) of Arturo Prat University as support for teaching activities and measuring the degree of integration expressed in the level of use they apply in their classes. The purpose of this study is to have empirical evidence on how teachers use ICT in the teaching-learning process under face-to-face education in the Technical Training Department (DFT) of Arturo Prat University. To develop the work, a quantitative methodology was used, through a survey as an instrument for data collection, which was carried out using the SAMR model that describes four levels of technology integration.

Carlos Velásquez Muñoz
How to Cite
Velásquez Muñoz, C. (2018). Measure the level of competence of the use of ICTs as support for teaching activities. Educación Y Tecnologí­a, (12), 17–36. Retrieved from


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