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Apr 12, 2022
Evidence, medicine, dialogue


This article develops some aspects o f the notion o f evidence or p ro o f
in the so-called biomedical Sciences, emphasizing that they constitute
communities o f methods rather than o f truths. The notion o f truth in an
absolute sense is absent from the scientific discourse and is replaced by
the vague term “evidence ” in its least concrete connotations. This means a
displacement from goals or ends o f knowledge to the means which permit
its construction. Some implications o f this scenario indícate the need o f a
dialogical perspective in the social construction o f knowledge aasociated
with the professions related to health and healthcare.

Fernando Lolas Stepke
How to Cite
Lolas Stepke, F. (2022). The place of truth in a world of evidences:: The rethoric o f biomedical Sciences. Iter, (13), 173–179. Retrieved from

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