Contenido principal del artículo

jul 18, 2022
Palabras clave:
Coriander, Coriandrum salivum, germ ination, oil content, Systole coriandri


Evaluations of infestation by Systole coriandri and tests of germination and oil contení of fruits
of coriander apparently undam aged or with 1-2 mericarps (seeds) damaged, of sam ples obtained in
central Chile, demonstrated variable infestation and germ ination levels among locations. Dissecting
seeds revealed 3.8-14.0% infestation levels in apparently undamaged fruits, with linear correlation
coefficients (r) of -93.4 betw een infestation and germ ination; fruits with one dam aged mericarp
presented an r coefficient of -94.0 between these param eters.
Fruits with both mericarps dam aged did not present germ ination, dem onstrating that S. coriandri
larvae, dam age the embryo. A lso, damage to 1 or 2 m ericarps reduced oil content by 16.7 and 42.0%,
respectively, from the levels in fruits apparently undamaged.

L. Lamborot
F. R. Paredes
J. E. Araya
P. Arretz
M. A. Guerrero
Cómo citar
Lamborot, L., Paredes, F. R., Araya, J. E., Arretz, P., & Guerrero, M. A. (2022). EFECTOS DE LA INFESTACION POR SYSTOLE CORIANDRI (GUSSAKOVSKY) (HYMENOPTERA: EURYTOMIDAE) EN LA GERMINACIÓN Y CONTENIDO DE ACEITE DE SEMILLAS DE CILANTRO. Acta Entomológica Chilena, 19, 155–157. Recuperado a partir de


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