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Sep 5, 2017


The current university context presents challenges that require the reformulation of the tea- ching-learning process, including the training of skills and innovation processes. The incorpo- ration of ICT constitutes an educational means, if the paradigm centered on content delivery is left aside. An experience that integrates the use of ICT for development of skills in interviews with children in Social Work is presented here. It is evaluated from the perception of students through self-administered survey with descriptive statistical analysis. It is complemented by benchmarking academic indicators obtained from the computing platform of teaching. The results show the integration of interview skills, improving motivation, commitment and co-ma- nagement of students in the learning process. The need arises to articúlate teaching and re- search, systematize innovative experiences and highlight the institutional role in the concretion of innovative experiences.

Loreto Castillo Collado
Andrea Comelin Fornés
How to Cite
Castillo Collado, L., & Comelin Fornés, A. (2017). ICT ínTegraTíon ín THe Traíníng oF proFessíonaL sKíLLs For ínTervíews wíTH cHíLDren ín SocíaL WorK. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (36), 13–31. Retrieved from


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