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Oct 12, 2017


Authority is a social phenomenon, an event of movement, change, action and reaction. The authority only belongs to the one who makes the changes. In the enunciation of Ortiz it is possible to identify elements of two kinds of authority: of the Judge and of the Leader. But, what about enunciative figures or the enunciate itself? Tobacco is linked to the Father authority rooted in tradition. The tobacco, essentially free and anti-capitalist, has an immanent divine strength, a relationship between nature and the gods. The ritual and sacred tobacco force is essential for the indigenous and therefore for Cuba, while sugar is Master authority, based on the risk of death. From the beginning, sugar was extracted as a commercial product; a basic necessity for the European man. The white man is tied to his sugarcane. The saccharifying production illustrates the colonizer, who dominates the indigenous land, the black people, the worker, etc: the Hegelian relationship, the master is above the slave.

Pedro Cuevas Collante
How to Cite
Cuevas Collante, P. (2017). Authority in contrapunteo del tabaco y el azúcar (1940) by Fernando Ortiz. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (37), 59–75. Retrieved from


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