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Dec 22, 2017


The demands that identify the current student movement in Chile (quality, secular, nonsexist and free education) have been present for many years in the mind of Francisco Bilbao, Chilean thinker, whose period of intellectual production was in the nineteenth century. Bilbao proposed, among others things, the suppression of the Catholic Church’s authority in governmental institutions and particularly, in its educational institutions. According to this thinker, education must be secular, free, philosophical in nature, and guaranteed by the constitution — not only in Chile but in all of Latin America. Thus, this paper aims to expose the proposals of Francisco Bilbao regarding the Chilean education
of the time, evaluate their solutions and, at the same time, invite reflection on the current educational system: Are we still within an educational system that, as Bilbao identified, is inherited from Spanish precepts brought to Chile through conquest?

Nathalia Lucero Díaz
How to Cite
Lucero Díaz, N. (2017). Francisco Bilbao and the education in Chile: a current problem. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (38), 71–80. Retrieved from


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