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Dec 22, 2017


The following article will analyze some urban changes in the last decades. It will focus on the city and its intense synergy with the museums and the processes of museification, as well as the great proliferation of non-places that appears in constant tension with the immanent power of emblematic places. That is why, in each tourist renovation and ‘value assignment' of urban sites, it is possible to see the following dynamics: the intense incorporation of global consumption patterns confronting with regional and traditional tourist configurations. The decision of what is preserved and what is not, allows us to visualize the territorial reconfiguration of the contemporary city, enabling (or not so) a democratic potential that is hidden in the 'use', in the 'inhabiting', and in the urban

Felipe Luis Garcia
How to Cite
Garcia, F. L. (2017). The city and the museification process. Going through the territorial reconfiguration of culture. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (38), 145–156. Retrieved from


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