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Aug 20, 2018


This article corresponds to the formulation of the state funded FONDECYT REGULAR project 1160222: “Chilean writers and journalists as war correspondents and chroniclers” (1879-1945), to be carried out between 2016 and 2019. I present here the background information to the project, the corpus to be studied, the state of the art, the objectives of the research and its theoretical framework. The aim is to justify the need to examine and analyse the observed relationships between journalism and literature in several chronicles and columns, which comprised the collaboration of various and prominent Chilean writers and journalists.

Jaime Galgani Muñoz
How to Cite
Galgani Muñoz, J. (2018). Blood and the writer’s quill pen: Chilean war correspondents and chroniclers. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (40). Retrieved from


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