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Jun 5, 2019


This research analyzed the main difficulties to reform the United Nation Organization, with the aim of establishing a less hierarchical and more democratic structure. For this, a brief review was realized of the foundation of the United Nations and the importance of the Security Council. Then, the interests were identified of the five powers that are permanent members of the Security Council, and their motifs to reject the inclusion of new permanent members; among them, the members of the G4 –Germany, Japan, India and Brazil- and their proposals of reform. Following that, some successful reforms and the difficulties are highlighted that the General Secretaries faced to put them into practice. Finally, the research concluded that any kind of reform that changes the balance of power inside the Security Council, reducing the power of the Permanente Members, is very difficult to put into practice because these actors always will aspire to maintain their privileged position into the international system.     

Esteban Vergara Poblete
How to Cite
Vergara Poblete, E. (2019). Is a reform of the United Nations feasible?. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (42). Retrieved from


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