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Jul 26, 2021
Eduarda Mansilla, flâneur, flânerie, Hispano-American modernist chronicle, flâneuse.


Eduarda Mansilla lived in the United States of America between the years 1860, 1868 and 1870. Her experience is made apparent in the first travel account written by a woman in Argentina: Recuerdos de viaje (1882). This paper reviews the book’s first chapter, with the aim of establishing, following the theory of flâneur proposed by Dorde Cuvardic as a textual analytic model, the type of flânerie that the Argentinian writer, in her condition as a Latin-American intellectual, projects on her arrival in the city of New York. Along with the aforementioned, the type of writing that Mansilla proposes in the text is seen to form part of the tradition of the Hispano-American modernist chronicle. Hence, through its inspection, it is possible to determine not only the impressions of the observed space by the flâneuse, but also to establish the elements that conform her views and thought, as an intellectual, as a woman and as an artist, immersed in the context of the time. 

Luis Alberto Farias Duque
How to Cite
Farias Duque, L. A. (2021). Eduarda Mansilla: The impressionistic flâneuse and her arrival in New York. Contextos: Estudios De Humanidades Y Ciencias Sociales, (48). Retrieved from


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