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Sep 2, 2019
Formation – experience - formation of researchers - components of the experience


This report of research corresponds to the stage quantitative of a studio mixed. Las formative institutional variables are referred to as structural component, academic type variables are referred to as structural component, and personal variables are referred to as experiential component. The instrument used was the questionnaire (cf. annex), which applied reliability alpha of Cronbach (0.856) test. Was obtained content validity with panel of 12 experts and test of hypothesis of the components of the experience; find the dimensions of each component of the QOL construct compatibility. Bivariate correlation with bilateral significance was applied to the construct validity of, (r = 0.05) of strength of relationship between the items of the construct for the three scales of structural, structuring and experiential components. Also applied factor analysis with method of Varimax rotation; He was obtained a total explained variance of 85.379, with 7 associated factors: academic skills, Academic and social integration, Curricular coverage, supports the program, program organization, academic services and services administration. Probabilistic sampling with 24 participants; 19 women and 5 men. Using the statistical package SSPSS, V-15: there were no significant differences in terms of gender, age and academic activity. Derived from the study, found that the formative experience of the student in a doctoral program, passes within an adaptive process, involving an anchor of interaction and contrast of their academic skills with the program supports and coverage of the curriculum.

Jorge Pedraza Longi
How to Cite
Pedraza Longi, J. (2019). Formation experiences as educational researchers student’s of a doctorate in education program. Revista Electrónica Diálogos Educativos. REDE, 19(34), 2–20. Retrieved from


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