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Mar 5, 2024
aprendizaje-servicio, integración a la comunidad, estudiantes de enfermería


Current education requires that the training of professionals in different areas transcends the acquisition of knowledge, orienting itself towards scientific development and interpersonal skills. In response to this new scenario, teaching methodologies such as service learning appear, which favors the balance between student learning and service oriented to a real and felt need of a community. The service-learning methodology favors the link between higher education institutions, such as the University and its members, with the community in which it is inserted. For this reason, the objective of this study was to determine the perception of eighth-semester nursing students on educational interventions developed with community partners in the civic sphere. As a result, the students positively valued the activities carried out, obtaining a high level of general learning achievement associated with the educational experience, valued at over 89% compliance with objectives declared in the subject program. These results strengthen and encourage the use of this methodology associated with commitment and social responsibility with the community, in direct relation to nursing training, in terms of the development of competencies, skills and values, which ultimately contribute to the graduation profile of the career.

Paula Beatriz Méndez Celis
Juan Barahona Barahona
Paula Salinas Lainez
How to Cite
Méndez Celis, P. B., Barahona Barahona, J., & Salinas Lainez, P. (2024). Percepción de aprendizaje servicio (AS) – ámbito cívico ciudadano en estudiantes de enfermería. Revista Electrónica Diálogos Educativos. REDE, 21(42-43). Retrieved from


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