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May 30, 2018
Social Development


This article is document review, with the aim of analyzing the factors involved in developing management processes in small and medium enterprises (SMEs), starting from its conceptualization, its philosophical underpinnings and praxeology, as a result of changes in the socioeconomic and political situational context of Venezuela, considering the economic and social impact that these organizations pose to the Venezuelan productive sector, constituting a complex task, the importance of the study lies in the trend of globalization, ie, to the formation of economic blocs between countries in order to establish and promote trade with which emerge new and greater demands for SMEs in terms of the generation of production services that meet the requirements and standards of established conventions for achieving meeting the needs and expectations of the consumer.

Verónica Alejandra Flores de Larrarte
How to Cite
Flores de Larrarte, V. A. (2018). SMEs and management processes. Analysis of its philosophical bases and its praxeology in Venezuela. Educación Y Tecnologí­a, (11), 17–29. Retrieved from


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