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Jul 14, 2020
Lenguaje no verbal, ambientes, aula invertida, discurso, lectura crítica


Children need to be included in the literacy culture and part of it means that the school must provide elements for them to read not only by decoding linguistic and lexical elements, but by constructing their understanding about a diversity of senses and meanings that texts and children have. From the very beginning in primary education children need to face situations in which they increase and improve their interpretations abilities. For these reasons, in the present academic work there is a main objective which is to develop nonverbal language abilities of interpretation in fourth grade students. It is developed on the theoretical supports of three disciplinary fields: kinesics, proxemics and semiotics for the construction and understandings of discourses. Also, it is important to emphasize that the present initiative has a pedagogical support on constructivism which is used as a basis for the students to socialize their acquired knowledge. In addition, the Flipped Classroom or Inverted Classroom method encourages the strengthening of learning from the application of a WIX virtual page where it integrates the general didactic strategy that is the method along with the design of the activities both for the virtual as for the face-to-face, Students will develop inferential and critical reading skills. This document is divided in three main parts: the theoretical discussion, the practical framework and the analysis of results. The theoretical framework, which corresponds to the first chapter presents the discussions about nonverbal reading from three different perspectives: kinesics, proxemics and semiotics. The second chapter consists on the description and identification of the methodology which includes the instruments, population and the pedagogical design. In the third chapter, he results are presented, analyzed and discussed.

Jenny Alejandra Pérez Páez
How to Cite
Pérez Páez, J. A. (2020). Las páginas virtuales en los procesos de interpretación del lenguaje no verbal. Educación Y Tecnologí­a, (13), 18–35. Retrieved from


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