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Jul 26, 2021
Flipped classroom
active methodologies
teaching reflection
educational experiencie


The article describes an educational experience implemented based on the pedagogical model Flipped Classroom or aula invertida, among subjects in the third year of middle school or high school from a vulnerable school context in the Coquimbo Region, Chile. The interest in investing the class arises after identifying a depressed autonomy and lack of protagonism on the part of the students in the conduct of their teaching-learning process, a situation identified through a participatory diagnosis by the teachers of the educational community . The results obtained through semi-structured interviews, didactic interviews, in addition to the use of the reflective journal and through constant analysis of the documents that emerged in the training process, allow us to infer that both the design and the phases following adaptation to innovation Didactics must be understood as a progressive and complex process, determined by the role of the teacher as facilitator of the didactic processes, thus modeling the expectations, both personal and also of the students. It is concluded that the methodology and its didactic turn allow a more complete understanding of the didactic act in non-contact contexts, revealing a triad between autonomy, technology and teacher mediation, seeking a more autonomous and cooperative work in the classroom.

Cristóbal Mauricio Rivera Vicencio
How to Cite
Rivera Vicencio, C. M. (2021). Invirtiendo la clase: una oportunidad didáctica para el aprendizaje autónomo y cooperativo. Educación Y Tecnologí­a, (14), 64–85. Retrieved from


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