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May 25, 2023
Criptomonedas, blockchain, educación, organización, información, datos


The objective of this chapter is to propose some considerations in the educational and school environment based on blockchain technology and its implications, to try to advance, advance, paradigms that could be anticipated and adequately resolved . Therefore, at first it is presented how blockchain technology arises; then, what is blockchain technology, that is, its functionality; Likewise, it will be described in a third moment the part of reliability and digital security will be analyzed; as a fourth section, it will delve into the laws and the use of this technology in Mexico; and, finally, pertinent proposals will be made for the educational and school environment, as well as to proceed to the conclusions as a summary.

Karla Karina Ruiz Mendoza
How to Cite
Ruiz Mendoza, K. K. (2023). Blockchain: towards educational proposals. Educación Y Tecnologí­a, (15), 68–80. Retrieved from


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