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Dec 30, 2021
Paralympic; Repeated Sprint; Brain Injury; Football 7-a-side.


The aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of a Repeated Sprint Ability (RSA) sports training on Lactate and VO2máx values in soccer players with brain injury from Chile. Seven soccer players participated from Football 7-a-side with mean values of 171.5 mt ± 7.2 in height, an average weight of 69.1kg ± 9.5 and 23.4 ± 2.6 Kg / mt2 of BMI. Training protocol consisted of four weeks of training with shuttle sprint series on a 20-meter track. The training was carried out with a frequency of two days / week with 48 hours resting between trainings. Results: a significant improvement was observed in VO2máx of 3.97% (P <0.05), and in the average number of meters covered by the subjects in the execution of the Yo-Yo test (P <0.05). In conclusion, a four-week RSA-based training significantly impacts on VO2máx and covered distance values.

José Ignacio Barría Herrera
Jorge Eduardo Norgado Muñoz
Matías Henríquez Valenzuela
Fernando Muñoz Hinrichsen
How to Cite
Barría Herrera, J. I., Norgado Muñoz, J. E., Henríquez Valenzuela, M., & Muñoz Hinrichsen, F. (2021). Effects of Sprint Training on VO2máx and Lactate Values in Football Players with Brain Injury. Revista Educación Física Chile, (273), 53. Retrieved from


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