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Dec 30, 2021
Rhythmic gymnastics; Space; Choreographic composition; creation.


The little specialized literature linked to rhythmic gymnastics (RG), especially focused on the components necessary to assemble an individual or group series, which without taking these aspects into account, ends up being reflected based only the requirements that must be met. The aim was to highlight and enhance the movements and expressions of the gymnasts, without losing sight of the current code. We carried out a bibliographic review, finding that the investigations and publications in this line are based on the analysis of choreographies already created and their interpretations, rather than on their constituent parts.

This article presents and describes the elements of space, which must be considered when putting together a RG series, individual or ensemble, as well as for any choreographic composition of related areas. As a result, we offer this document for those who wish to undertake this task of creating and, at the same time, responding to the established rules of competing or being evaluated.

Alda Reyno Freundt
Paula Alvarado Olivares
How to Cite
Reyno Freundt, A., & Alvarado Olivares, P. (2021). Rhythmic Gymnastics and the use of Space. Revista Educación Física Chile, (273), 73. Retrieved from


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