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Jul 19, 2022
Pedagogy, Education, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy.


The problems facing education today have much to do with its rapid evolution and the influence of philosophy, sociology and current psychological in the different periods of the history of man.
This essay aims to confront the reader with philosophical, sociological and psychological principles that make up the pedagogy as a science, its object of study and its raison d ' être in the educational process.
With this trial is accomplished to argue the position of pedagogy as a unique science that emerges the education and processes inherent to the human being, in which both try to "the formation of the human being".

César Arias Arias
How to Cite
Arias Arias, C. (2022). Reflexiones sobre la Pedagogía como Ciencia. Revista Educación Física Chile, 82(272). Retrieved from


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