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Jul 21, 2022
heart rate variability, RR interval, frequency domain, Load


The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between the frequency domain of heart rate variability (HRV) and perceived stress load Chilean elite Taekwondo athletes.
We studied five subjects taekwondo athletes from the Chilean national taekwondo team since they training for a week, who have valued the VRC through a monitor POLAR RS 810 and HRV Kubios software version 2.0. On the other hand, it has record exertion of athletes after each training session. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the Statistical Package GraphPadPrism 4.0.
We found a positive correlation (P <0.05) between the frequency components of HRV for bands LF (ms2), LF (%), LF (a) and LF / HF ratio, versus the perceived stress load. While HF values (%) and HF (nu), showed a negative correlation (P <0.05) with perceived stress load.
The results indicate that HRV in the frequency domain it shown as a useful tool for detecting certain behavior patterns related to cardiac stress load. On the other hand, it can establish that the perception of effort in the study subjects is a valid indicator for the planning of the training load.

Luperfina del R. Cortés Escobar
Tomás Herrera Valenzuela
Felipe Soro Álvarez
How to Cite
Cortés Escobar, L. del R., Herrera Valenzuela, T., & Soro Álvarez, F. (2022). Relationship between the variability of frequency domain heart rate and stress load elite in chilean taekwondo athletes. Revista Educación Física Chile, (270). Retrieved from


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