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Jul 21, 2022
visual perception, time of reaction, time of execution, goalkeeper of football.


Introduction and objectives: The goalkeeper’s position of football demands a good perceptive capacity, speed of reaction and of execution. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the speed of reaction and of execution for visual stimuli in goalkeeper sub-15 of two sports clubs of Santiago of Chile.
Method: 6 goalkeepers sub-15 were evaluated (14,0 ± 0,63 years of age; 60,5 ± 3,62 kg; 1,69 ± 0,06 mts). Each one received twelve launches of a ball of football realized by a located machine 25 meters of the zone of fall. Every sportsman had to intercept the ball in someone of 4 zones, measuring his speed of reaction and execution opposite to the visual stimulus.
Results: The percentages in the decision of the zone of fall of the ball were 100 % in the left, right zone and forward. The zone of behind presents a failure of 50 %. The times of reaction and of execution show significant differences between the goalkeepers (p=0,007; p=0,001 respectively). The speed of reaction for zones, they show significant differences (p=0,012).
Conclusions: The speed of reaction and of execution they are different between the goalkeepers, existing a relation between the time of execution and the weekly days of training.

Fernando Maureira
V. Valentina Bahamondes
Barbara Jesam
Ricardo López
How to Cite
Maureira, F., Bahamondes, V. V., Jesam, B., & López, R. (2022). Time of reaction and time of execution in goalkeeper of football category sub-15. Revista Educación Física Chile, (270). Retrieved from


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