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Jan 9, 2023
Football, Soccer, Gender, Symbolic Violence, Body, School.


The school context is a true reflection of the frames of reference that we have in our society. Culture is  entirety expressed within the classroom and, above all, in games, motor activities and sports. Thus, within these frames of reference, the symbolic meanings of gender (domination, patriarchy, violence and inequalities) are taught and actively reproduced or not, through reproductive teaching practices wich foundation is often unknown. Within these expressions, there is a particular sport that works like a photocopying machine of symbolic meanings that organizes the oppressive gender division with enormous force: Soccer. This essay will discuss how soccer reproduces harmful, oppressive and guarantor of inequality elements inside the scholar context, showing girls that their position is less valuable than that of boys. As a guide to this essay, the text called Gender and Physical Education. A look at the body in the school of Lucio Martinez and Alfonso García was used to understand how the school context, through football, reproduces and inscribes gender logics contrary to comprehensive education and freedom of people in the body of students.

Tomás Gárate Lagos
How to Cite
Gárate Lagos, T. (2023). The ball does get tainted:: football and Symbolic Meanings at school. Revista Educación Física Chile, (275). Retrieved from


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