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Sep 26, 2023
Perception, Physical Activity, Education, Teachers.


The objective of this research is to determine if there are differences in the perception of physical education teachers of first and fourth year high school students of a school in Santiago de Chile. A perception scale towards the physical education teacher with positive and negative questions was applied as research instruments, as well as a sociodemographic survey with anonymous data from the students who responded and a physical activity questionnaire with questions regarding their daily life. The total number of students who participated in the research were 175, of which 79 are in their fourth year of high school and 96 are in their first year, where 38 of this total are exempt from the subject, the minimum age is 13 years and the maximum is 20. sample years. The results show that the positive perception towards the teacher/a is high for both years, highlighting the item Listens to my questions. Similarly, negative perception gets low scores, where the item sometimes laughs at me gets the lowest score. It is recommended to replicate this research in schools in other municipalities of Santiago and in other regions of Chile, in addition to schools with a female population.

Cristóbal Bestias Quezada
Jairo Morales Moran
Maicol Salas Acosta
Galut Rendich Montalvo
How to Cite
Bestias Quezada, C., Morales Moran, J., Salas Acosta, M., & Rendich Montalvo, G. (2023). 1° and 4° high school students’ perception of their physical education teachers/s. Revista Educación Física Chile, (277). Retrieved from


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