Rhythmic Gymnastics Competitions in Chile
Alda Reyno Freundt, Nicolás Meirone Matus
Physical education for motor development with the use of mexican sign language in students with hearing disabilities
Paulina Ochoa-Martínez, Javier Hall-López, Mara Morales Ramírez, Abel Carmona López
Emotional skills in physical education’s students from
Emanuel Verdugo Jara, Jorge Villavicencio, Damián Calderón González, Nicolas Román Acevedo, Fernando Maureira Cid
Implementation of a Pedagogical Fair as an innovative assessment in Physical Education teacher training
an educational experience
Elizabeth Flores Ferro
Postactivation potentiation with jumps to improve speed in 30m. Effect on trained Chilean athletes
Enzo Moraga-Maureira, Annahy Morales Mira