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Dec 2, 2022


July 30, 2008 and April 22, 2009 marked my career as an education professional in Chile. First as a graduate in education and then as a professor of philosophy. It all began at the "University of Arts and Social Sciences" and precisely in the aforementioned years. I passed without realizing much from the diskette to the pendrive and the inboxes of the mails were already beginning to fill up, technology companies at the end of the twentieth century such as Apple (1976), Yahoo, (1994) and Google, (1998) laid the foundations of a transformation that would undoubtedly go beyond what anyone would have imagined. Technology began to deepen and permeate every corner of our lives in the newborn society of the twenty-first century at a speed worthy of postmodernity.

Leonardo Guerrero
How to Cite
Guerrero, L. (2022). La Irrupción de la Redes Sociales y la Tecnología en la Educación del siglo XXI. Boletín De Políticas Y Gestión Educativa, 8(8), 37–63. Retrieved from

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