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Dec 2, 2022
Women, Education, Development


The purpose of this presentation is within the celebration of the Centennial of the Primary Instruction Law in 1920 and how it has been permeating the integral development of women in a complex context from the Colony to the present day.
In the historical evolution of our nation, progress has been made with public initiatives in this regard, having access to school, the university and the world of work. From the search for the improvement of the quality of life, organizations that have struggled to improve not only material conditions, but also intellectual development that have been shaping a new life of opportunities have appeared and gaining strength, considering that there is a long way to go.

Ma Cecilia Feliú Candia
How to Cite
Feliú Candia, M. C. (2022). Análisis crítico de la incorporación de la mujer a la educación a partir de la ley primaria obligatoria, en el marco de su centenario. Boletín De Políticas Y Gestión Educativa, 7(7), 27–31. Retrieved from

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