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Dec 7, 2022
Quality, Technical and professional education, skilled technicians


These days, the word quality is always present wherever education is mentioned, that is why it is essential to
have a better idea or a definition of what is meant by quality in technical and professional education, above
all, now that the country needs skilled technical professionals and of a good quality. In fact, in a meeting
which took place in Dublin, about enterprises and education, in 2014, it was said:” Chile needs more technicians
and better ones”. In this article we shall establish a definition referred to technical higher education
in Chile, additionally, we shall analyze, which management model would be adequate, to enable technical
higher institutions to deliver quality of education in Chile.

Andrea Casado F.
How to Cite
Casado F., A. (2022). Calidad de la educación Superior Técnico Profesional. Boletín De Políticas Y Gestión Educativa, 3(3), 21–26. Retrieved from

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