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Jan 9, 2019
Geotechnologies, College Education, Teaching of Geography


The present paper aims to analyze the geotechnical tools in current education, specifically in the college
field, paying special attention to the use of cartographies in digital format. For this, it seeks to define the
geotechnological tools, its use and its scope within the framework of ICT, in addition to evaluating these tools
from an educational-geographical functional perspective. Through the application of a methodology composed
of three parts –collection of the base information, elaboration of the representation and critical analysis–, it is
intended that students can make a thematic cartography using tools available on the web, at the same time
that they analyze the data and the representation elaborated in a critical way. Thus, geotechnical tools within
education, facilitate the work of teachers by proposing new methodologies for teaching and developing new
skills in students, but they would not ensure a complete teaching-learning process, since they constitute only
one more means within the complex educational system.

Claudia Abarca Zapata
Felipe Palma Vargas
Jorge Joo Nagata
How to Cite
Abarca Zapata, C., Palma Vargas, F., & Joo Nagata, J. (2019). Geotechnological tools applied in the teaching of geography. Educación Y Tecnologí­a, (12), 53–66. Retrieved from


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