Focus and Scope

The Chilean Journal of Scientific Education (RChEC) aims to publish academic research that advances knowledge in the teaching and learning of natural sciences across all educational contexts and levels. Contributions cover various disciplinary areas such as biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, and natural sciences. The journal also focuses on research related to science teacher education, curriculum integration of information and communication technologies, and discussions on national and international educational policies in science teaching.

Thematic Lines of the Journal:

  • Didactic innovations in natural sciences and mathematics.
  • Gender, interculturality, and diversity in science teaching.
  • Scientific practices and inquiry, argumentation, and modeling approaches.
  • Technology-mediated formative processes.
  • Educational policy and curriculum in science teaching.
  • Education for Sustainable Development.
  • Nature of science, its history, and philosophy.

RChEC publishes original empirical articles, reviews, and educational experiences in the field of natural sciences teaching.

Empirical research articles rely on reliable and grounded methods, collecting data through observation or experimentation to answer specific research questions. These articles present objective and well-founded results, contributing to current knowledge in a particular field through data analysis and its contextualization within the theoretical framework and related current research.

Review articles identify the state of research advances on a particular topic, offering a general and future perspective of the field. Review articles that follow a systematic method, such as the PRISMA method or similar, will be considered, ensuring replicability and providing various analyses that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the particular topic.

The Educational Experiences section gathers work on innovative didactic experiences in formal or non-formal educational spaces, emphasizing pedagogical narratives and the implementation of didactic strategies, collaborative work in teaching communities, and more. This section focuses on the pedagogical reflection of one’s practice, with a theoretically grounded didactic analysis and the systematization of the results of the educational experience.

Editorial Practices on Gender Equiality

RChEC is committed to actions that promote gender equality. The Editorial Team is composed of an equal number of men and women and encourages the participation of women in the editorial board and the review of works

In this context, the journal recommends that:

  • Works use inclusive and non-sexist language whenever possible.
  • Authors avoid biases and stereotypes when analyzing data. If considering the sex variable, perform analyses for each sex, presenting disaggregated data to address differences.

Evaluation Process

The Chilean Journal of Scientific Education (RChEC) publishes its regular issues on a semi-annual basis, with two issues per year (July and December), and accepts articles year-round.

The Editorial Team reserves the right to reject works that do not fall within the journal's scope or do not meet the editorial standards. Minor amendments may be recommended for accepted articles. In all cases, authors, upon acceptance of their work, transfer their publication rights to RChEC. For publication approval, the works are reviewed by the Editorial Team and external specialist reviewers under a double-blind process, with editors reserving the right to make necessary modifications to maintain the journal's style.

Open Access Policy

The Chilean Journal of Scientific Education (RChEC), in its electronic format, provides open access, making all its content available to readers without payment or registration. Authors and readers can view articles on the journal's website and download them individually in PDF format.

Authors can submit their articles to RChEC without any publication fees. Users can read, cite, distribute, and use the content as long as the author and the name of RChEC are credited.