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Apr 12, 2023
Resonancia, amplitud, preconcepto, potencia


This article presents a discussion on the definition of the concept of resonance in a mechanical system and in an electrical system. In the physics texts commonly used in our country, resonance is usually defined on the basis of the own frequency, where there is máximum amplitude in the position or load without viscous effects. However, the máximum amplitude in the position or load does not coincide with the system’s own frequency when the viscous effect is not disregarded. An appropriate definition of resonance for both systems will be one that expresses that resonance occurs when having the máximum transfer of energy to the system. In that case the power dissipated in the system is máximum, and whose frequency of máximum amplitude is effectively
the own frequency. The analyzed case, in the same way that the case commented in the textbooks corresponds to a periodic external forcé and of a defined frequency; the most general and realistic case of periodic external functions but with more than one frequency in its frequency spectrum, which is usually analyzed by means of Fourier series, is outside the present discussion.

Misuel Bustamante S.
Marcelo Robles C.
How to Cite
Bustamante S., M., & Robles C., M. (2023). CONCEPT OF RESONANCE. Chilean Journal of Scientific Education, 17(2), 41–44. Retrieved from

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