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Dec 6, 2022
Organizational development, education, quality, environment. Dynamic variables


This study makes a bibliographic analyzes where it states the concept of “Dynamic variables” hence concepts and sights from plenty of authors. It presents the interrelationship existing among the variables and as a synergy of factors gives a product. The results are the necessity of seeding needs in order to improve the quality of organizational environment through a self-evaluation process. Thus, the work environment is a complex, dynamic and multi-dimensional phenomena which present multiple variables and those could be assess simultaneously or step by step.

Alfonso Fernández U.
How to Cite
Fernández U., A. (2022). Herramientas para el análisis del Clima Organizacional, una mirada desde variables dinámicas que presentan las organizaciones. Boletín De Políticas Y Gestión Educativa, 5(5), 21–32. Retrieved from

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