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Dec 6, 2022


Law 20,903 created the system of teacher professional development (2016) with the goal of improving the quality of education in Chile. This happens in a time of student protests demanding changes to the Chilean educational system, a system imposed during the civil-military dictatorship (1978). We are to analyse the historical context of the teaching career in Chile, the discussion and elaboration of the law, its conception, and limitations.
The law will implement partial improvements in working conditions, in pedagogy programs and in the teaching career. Nevertheless, this is done with a neoliberal view of education; individualistic and competitive, including the flexibilization of working conditions and pressure from external evaluators that could affect teachers’ salaries, while at the same time increasing their already heavy workload, which will continue to keep teachers away from the classrooms.

Maximiliano Acuña A.
Daniel Ortiz C.
How to Cite
Acuña A., M., & Ortiz C., D. (2022). Sistema de Desarrollo profesional Docente: Discusiones y narrativas desde su creación. Boletín De Políticas Y Gestión Educativa, 5(5), 71–92. Retrieved from

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