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Dec 16, 2022
Reform, Higher Education, Public Education, Teacher´s Professional Development, Pedagogical


Educational reform, are intended to crystallize an education service productivity, strengthening the education
industry and the two bills are in Congress, higher education law and the law on public education, close the
process reform and submitted for more than an unprecedented institutional crisis, which detonate in the
coming years ... the resistance towards homogenization and validation of education as a commodity will be
one of its expressions education, while, at the Pedagogical University is located in a quiet and submissive
process of homogenization of a Curriculum Competence, which will be operational from March 2018, as
set out in the PMI, UMC 1501, “Strengthening teacher training UMCE through research on the pedagogical
practice, in connection with the school system with high quality standards “, the process installs a series of
questions that the academic community requires consideration and make the attempt to respond.

José Mauricio Contreras S. J.
How to Cite
Contreras S. J., J. M. (2022). Reforma de la Educación Superior y Las preguntas en la UMCE. Boletín De Políticas Y Gestión Educativa, 2(2), 25–33. Retrieved from

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