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Dec 16, 2022
Evaluation, School Organization, Learning Organizations, Organizational Culture, Evaluative Research


The paper has two focus of analyses: Evaluation and School Organization. At first level, the analyses will
have some theoretical proposals of research evaluation and because of the diversity and complexity of
the educational phenomenon, multiple and multidimensional approaches have been used. This is not an
accident as it is in direct relation to the epistemological origin from where it is based. The second part analyses
through five authors the link between qualitative evaluation for the improvement and understanding of school

Hernán Villarroel M.
How to Cite
Villarroel M., H. (2022). Evaluación Cualitativa para Comprender y Mejorar las Organizaciones Escolares. Boletín De Políticas Y Gestión Educativa, 2(2), 61–69. Retrieved from

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