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May 14, 2024
Chilean Educational System
Standardized Tests
Evaluation for Learning


Essay that seeks to identify through a bibliographic analysis the possible causes that cause the dissonance between the educational quality of Chile and the proposals of international organizations, based on the results of standardized measurement instruments. In general, the diversity of conceptions of educational quality and the factors to be taken into account in its construction are presented, to understand the origins of the standards established from influential external organizations in the country. Likewise, it contextualizes the Chilean educational system and those public policies that the State has designed and implemented in the search for improvements in educational quality, with insufficient results still and that for decision‐making are considered, among other indicators, the results specifically delivered by the SIMCE and PISA standardized tests; culminating the bibliographic tour, with an evaluative proposal inside the classrooms, which contributes to the improvement in the quality of student learning, such as "evaluation for learning".

Erika A. Aguilera
Fernando Pavez
Carmen G. Roa
How to Cite
Aguilera, E. A., Pavez, F., & Roa, C. G. (2024). Identificar posibles causas de la disonancia entre la calidad educativa de Chile y las propuestas de organismos internacionales, basada en los resultados de instrumentos de medición estandarizados. Boletín De Políticas Y Gestión Educativa, 9(9), 57–67. Retrieved from

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